Published inAnalytics VidhyaAPI Gateway x Lambda x DynamoDB x SNSThe title of this blog explains which major AWS services are going to be used in this project. The explanation of this blog will be in a…Jan 15, 2023Jan 15, 2023
Published inAWS TipAWS Cloud Quest game-For all budding cloud practitionersI know that many of you would have thought of how a game as a support tool for learning would be. But have you ever played one? If your…May 27, 2022May 27, 2022
Some Indian YouTube channels are not just about like, share & subscribe, but more!I’ve made a list of Indian YouTube channels that are probably known by many people. These are the channels that helped a lot of…Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
Published inAnalytics VidhyaHebb NetworkHebb or Hebbian learning rule comes under Artificial Neural Network (ANN) which is an architecture of a large number of interconnected…Oct 21, 20201Oct 21, 20201